Sunday, May 3, 2009

America's Team?

The Dallas Cowboys are widely considered America's Team. After their practice facility collapsed Saturday afternoon one thing is apparent, they're definitely not God's team. Mr. I Run Shit Jerry Jones just poured 1.3 billion into state of the art sports arena. After all spending all that money it seems he could only fork over to build a glorified tent at Valley Ranch. This thing collapsed in 65 mph winds, my lo mein fueled farts hold up better under those conditions. If God exist he clearly hates the Cowboys. I don't think he's responsible for guiding Romo's pass into Deshea's arms in week 14. The only pressure situation that guy performs well under is an ever ballooning Jessica Simpson. However it did take miracle for Holmes to put two feet down to seal a sixth Super Bowl. Someone is clearly playing favorites and I'm sure as shit glad he's rooting for my team.